On Sunday, August 8, Children’s Day, the Talentlón for Life was carried out 1999. A walk for the whole family, to promote the “Heat of Home”, family values and Talentos para la Vida, with many gifts, entertainment and surprises. This time it was held at the Tren de la Costa’s San Isidro Station.

This year the Talentlón para la Vida was organized in favor of the “Heat of Home”, and for the benefit of the San José Providente Foundation and the Talentos para la Vida Foundation, through the Heart of the Home (value $ 1.-) helping those They need it. This Heart could be achieved on the same day in the Talentlón para la Vida.

The San José Providente Foundation begins to participate in 1989, in the neighborhoods of José C. Paz, Province of Buenos Aires, with the first dining rooms, of subsidiary and solidarity care with medicines and food bags, intervening in the extreme risk of many families and children with more than 3,000 daily rations. Today it has a Home for Children, with more than 300 of them per day, with health monitoring, education, social plans and development of neighborhood training workshops, service banks, and housing assistance plans.

In addition, completing a coupon at the bottom of the special invitations, attendees had the possibility to participate in a raffle for important prizes. These invitations could be obtained at all Blockbuster stores in Buenos Aires City and the Greater Buenos Aires.