The Mission of Talents for Life is the promotion of cultural, moral, family, sports values ​​for both children and young people between the ages of 4 and 25, to promote Life. It is about educating children and young people today to be the great people of tomorrow, forming them in values ​​for life as the basis of interactive exercise in the formation of their present and future behaviors.

More than 300 frontline companies and institutions as well as national and international governments have shared and share this Mission through the support of Educational Programs throughout these 30 years both in Argentina and in the rest of the world. Talents for Life has been Declared of National Interest by the Presidency of the Nation, of Cultural Interest by the Ministry of Culture, of Educational Interest by the Ministry of Education, by the Ministry of Education and by the Ministry of Health of the Automous City of Buenos Aires, by the Ministry of Education of the Province of Salta, of Ministerial Interest by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay, of Sports Interest by the Ministry of Sports and Youth of Uruguay, under the auspices of the Ministry of Tourism of the Nation, with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of Uruguay, under the auspices of the National Administration of Public Education Central Directing Council and under the auspices of the Ministry of Tourism, is sponsored by the Republic of Italy , received the Diploma of Honor from the Mayor of Coral Gables, Miami, and was defined as part of the solution in the fight against alcohol and drugs by the Office of the National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) of the US Presidency, among other national and international achievements.

Talents for Life has also received the Manuel Belgrano Medal, the main distinction of the Belgranian National Institute, Ministry of Human Capital of Argentina, the Gesta Malvinas Veterans Medal (VGM) and the distinction of Ambassadors of Peace by the UPF * Universal Peace Federation Argentina (New York).